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How do I FTP to my server?

There are many different types of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) software available and each one handles connectivity a little differently. However, for the most part, you will always need to know three things in order to login:

  1. Your login name
  2. Your password
  3. Your server name

You will have provided your login name and your password when you signed up for your account.

Your server name will be if you have registered for a domain name. If you are not using a domain name or the domain name has not been transferred yet, use the IP address that was assigned to you when the account was created.

For specific assistance in setting up your FTP client, you may need to contact your ISP. For a more comprehensive look at FTP, please visit our FTP Tutorial in the Webmaster's Corner, or see examples using different FTP clients in our Using FTP in's Getting Started Manual.

How do I transfer my files to my server?

Again, this depends on which FTP Client you are using. However, there are certain things you should keep in mind. The first is that when you initially connect you will be in your "home" directory. However, this is not where you should place your web site files. Only files you wish to be made available via FTP should be maintained here. Once in your home directory, you must switch to your "HTTP" directory.

Once you have determined where you wish to transfer files to, you must determine whether the file is a binary or ASCII file. This is extremely important because if you choose the wrong type the file will be unreadable on the server (if you do transfer the file with the wrong type, simply upload the file again using the correct type). Text files should always be transferred in ASCII mode. This includes .cfm, .cfml, .cfm, .asp, .php, .pl, etc. If the file is a binary file, it must be copied in binary mode. Binary files are .gif, .jpg, .exe, .ra, .wav, etc.

What FTP Client software does recommend?

There are many excellent FTP clients. recommends using the following depending upon your operating system:

Windows Users

  • WS-FTP
  • Cute FTP

Macintosh Users

  • Fetch

Can I set up anonymous FTP accounts?

Yes, you can. However, you can only setup anonymous accounts to read files, NOT to upload files. This is for obvious security reasons. If you need anonymous accounts to be able to upload files, you will need to look at's Dedicated and Colocated service offerings.

When I login to my NT account, I do not see my website.

This is because when you initially log into your account, you will be located in your FTP Home directory NOT your HTTP root directory. You will need to change directories to the HTTP root directory. This directory is listed in your welcome letter.

When I upload my site, I can see it via FTP, but I don't see it on the web.

Please see FAQ above. This is because you deposited your web files in your home FTP directory and NOT into your root HTTP directory. For files to be visible to a web browser, they must be copied to the HTTP root directory. This directory is listed in your welcome letter.

I have all my settings correct, but I can not connect. Some times I receive a "blocking call rejected" error message.

Most likely this is because you are accessing our FTP server from behind a firewall. In cases like this, you must set your FTP client to operate in "passive mode" when making a connection.


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