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FAQ - FrontPage

What are FrontPage Extensions?

FrontPage extensions are small programs that run on a website and allow the Microsoft FrontPage client to transfer data and files back and forth. They also provide special functionality that works hand in hand with the scripts you can easily add to your website through FrontPage such as the FrontPage Discussion Forums.

Do I need FrontPage Extensions to use FrontPage with my Website?

No, you do not, however, you will not be able to take full advantage of all the FrontPage features. This includes features such a full-text searching, one-button publishing and threaded discussion groups.

Is there a charge for using FrontPage Extensions?

No, there is no additional charge for using the extensions. It is available on all accounts except for the UNIX and NT Basic accounts.

What is a FrontPage Webbot?

These are special CGI programs that provide advanced functionality for your website. The threaded discussion groups and full-text search capabilities of FrontPage are two examples. You can add these features through FrontPage Editor | Insert FrontPage Component menu within FrontPage.

Is there anything I should be aware of when using FrontPage?

FrontPage can be very picky at times and you should follow the two suggestions outlined below. If you do not, you may make your web bots inoperable and you may open large security holes within your website that will allow others to easily access your web files and possibly access sensitive information or change your files. In order to protect the FrontPage extensions, please follow the two suggestions made below:

  1. The most important rule to follow is to NOT use regular FTP programs with your FrontPage web. This will often damage the FrontPage web and will result in making troubleshooting FrontPage issues more difficult for our engineers. They actually may not be able to help you if you do choose to use an FTP client with a FrontPage web. One exception to this rule is if you need to load your own CGI programs to the cgi-local directory.
  2. All security changes should be made through the FrontPage Explorer.

My site has too many files and is taking to long to publish. What should I do?

You should break up your site into multiple sub-webs. In this way, you will only have to transfer the files for the subwebs and not for the entire site when you make changes.


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